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specialized company中文是什么意思

用"specialized company"造句"specialized company"怎么读"specialized company" in a sentence


  • 专业公司


  • We are the specialized company deal with this kind of production
  • Now , we ' ll work with specialized companies that build the software on top of windows
  • Yuanhang technology co , ltd is a specialized company dedicated to the development and operation of online games
  • This company is take designs , the manufacture , services each ramming mold , the plastic mold and the work clothes mold as the focus specialized company
  • Outsourcing becomes cosmopolitan tendency and forms the numerous markets of outsourcing . it offers enormous commercial opportunity for specialized company
  • Specialized companies such as coscon and so on can manage and operate themselves skillfully and specially . therefore , they can enhance the efficiency of management a
  • Shanghai j & a safety products co . , ltd . is a specialized company engaged in the consultation , management , training and market promotion of enterprise - level safety system
  • Shanghai jie an safety products co . , ltd . is a specialized company engaged in the consultation , management , training and market promotion of enterprise - level safety system
  • This shop is manages each kind of collector handicraft after business management department registration tenable the specialized company , has the legitimate operating right
    本店是经工商管理部门注册成立的一家经营各种收藏品 工艺品的专业公司,具有合法经营权。
  • Wuxi haitian marine equipment co . , ltd is a specialized company which deals in the research , design , manufac - ture , sale and service of all types of ship equipments
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4
用"specialized company"造句  
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